ࡱ> ?A>+ bjbj 4(DhDh ~~~~~8<Rz   $ h~     ~~  F~~ (|O"0R k  ~          R             X D: Welcome to 4th Grade! Teacher: Name: Ms. Shannon Education: Bachelor of Science in Education Elementary Education Hobbies: Traveling, shopping, and loving on my sweet daughters SyErra and Serenity! Our Room is #149 Barton Chapel Elementary 2329 Barton Chapel Rd Augusta, Georgia 30906 Phone: (706) 796-4955 Fax: (706) 796-4774 Ms. Shannons email: ShannSa@BOE.Richmond.k12.ga.us My teaching philosophy is to ensure that my students feel safe and loved in the classroom, all students deserve the right to learn, and learning should be FUN! All about 4th Grade! Fourth grade curricula push students to think, analyze, and learn in more sophisticated and structured ways than they did in the lower grades. In 4th grade,students learn how to deeply think about and make connections in new material and grasp more complex concepts across all subjects. We will be very busy this year! Classroom Expectations: I expect students to follow classroom and school rules, be kind to one another, be respectful, be honest, and conduct themselves so everyone can learn and enjoy their time in our classroom. Conduct: I utilize CLASSDOJO daily for behavior and parent communication so please make sure to download the app and get connected with our class. I will pass out a code for your specific student to enter on the website within the first few days of school if not at Open House! I will also post important information on the website and reminders. If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know! Students also get the chance to buy prizes from the Roadrunner Store with their roadrunner bucks given to them by one of my 4th grade colleagues or myself. If your child is caught doing the right thing, which is being nice to others or doing their best on assignments, then they will be provided with the opportunity to retrieve a roadrunner buck. ӣwork Policy A homework packet will be given in red folders on Monday of each week and is due Friday. ӣwork mainly consists of content covered within class, which provides students additional practice over those skills we are working on, or anything else I feel would help your child. Students earn popcorn or another incentive on Fridays if their homework packet is turned in completed. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated! iReady It is required students complete 45 minutes in Reading per week in iReady. Our class will have computer lab time each week but some of the time will have to be completed at home. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Folders Barton Chapel green communication folders will go home every day and should be returned each morning. Please be on the lookout for these folders because they will include graded assignments, and any important school information. Parent Contact/Conferences: Conferences will be scheduled on early release days in October and March. If you would like to meet with me any other time, please let me know and we will schedule a good time for the both of us. I may call/text you on my personal cell phone. If for any reason this occurs, and you have my personal cell phone number, please be respectful of my personal time and try to text/call before 5PM. Please use your discretion if you feel the need to contact me after 5PM. I am beyond excited to get this school year started. Thank you for entrusting me with your child and I look forward to getting to know each family this year! If there is anything you need, please let me know!       %&)01:;<Fqrst{}~񼮣{paVKVKVKKh}xhLfpOJQJh}xh_v=OJQJh}xh~OJPJQJ^Jh}xh~OJQJh}xhLfp5OJQJ\h}xh]<OJPJQJ^Jh}xhOJQJh}xhOJQJh}xh5OJQJ\*hN_bh]<5CJ0OJPJQJ\^JaJ0h5CJ0H*OJQJ\aJ0h5CJ0OJQJ\aJ0h5CJ0OJQJ\aJ01s ! 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